About Pro ATM
Pro ATM serves convenience stores, gasoline stations and other selected outlets by installing and servicing highly reliable, business-building ATM machines. Your customers will love our machines’ convenience and reliability. You’ll love our company’s professionalism, its positive role in your business’s success, and that there is absolutely no cost or investment on your part – EVER. Plus, you have no responsibility for ensuring a Pro ATM machine is working or has enough cash. Some of our customers tell us they don’t even know our ATM is there until they receive their monthly commission checks.

ATMs are our only business. Our professional installers won’t disrupt your store’s operations or change the store’s appearance. Pro ATM machines stay up and running and have cash when customers need it. Our state-of-the-art technology alerts us instantly to low cash supply or operational issues. If a problem occurs, we’re on the spot whenever we’re needed – including weekends.

Your business benefits from increased store traffic, increased sales, revenue from every ATM transaction, reduced credit card fees and fewer checks. Credit card service fees can be reduced by as much as 20%. Customer spending is increased by as much as 25%.

ATMs are a valuable service for your customers. Properly located in your business, ATMs can increase your revenue, decrease your credit card fees, increase store traffic and increase customer spending.